Not just cause Cooper is mine, but is he beautiful or what. I can never get enough of him and or his brother. They are the bestest friend ever! Everyone stops us and asks how old our Rottie is? What's up with that? I make it very clear what he is. We call him velvet Elvis cause when he kisses us (as sloppy as they are) his lips are like velvet. I want a farm so I can have a few of him! We are MADLY IN LOVE with this child of ours and the best decision we ever made was getting him. He completed our family. We are outside every moment.


3 May 2010

This has been along time coming. We adopted Cooper (AKA Alvin, an Allegheny Hound) in March, 2009. After having to put our 17 year old Red Bone Coon Hound down, we had to have another hound.

What an awesome, loving baby. All 85 lbs. We have enjoyed every moment with him. You would never know that he has not been with us his entire life. He adjusted well with much patience and understanding of his past life. Focusing on his future, he has been exceptional. He loves and loves and loves unconditionally.

He has very good taste picking the expensive things to make his own. He loves his family, including Kramer, his Wired Haired Fox Terrier brother and his brother Sherman, the 24 lb. cat. He loves to go to the dog park, and run freely in the yard and to play with all of his toys.

Don't get me wrong with all of the praise, as we have had our moments. For someone who has never had a hound and does not have the time and understanding of their stubbornness, this is NOT the dog for you, but for us he is a dream come true.


23 August 2009

We are absolutely thrilled to post this photo of Alvin, one of the surviving Alleghany Valley Hounds, with his new family.

16 March 2009