Bobby McGee, whose name we kept as it totally suits him, has been just a big, goofy, bouncy ball of love and joy. He has a huge heart and just loves life. He’s fit right in with our lives. He is completely oblivious to his size and thinks he can squeeze onto or into smaller spots than he can, which usually results in him falling or bumping into something like a goofball. He makes us laugh so much with just the funny positions he puts himself into when he sleeps. Everyone he meets is a new friend and he loves smelling every blade of grass on his walks. He encountered an ice cream truck that played those cheesy songs and he stared at it like it was a UFO…totally mesmerized. Once it went by, Bobby went back to sniffing the grass like nothing even happened. A total ham!! He is such a wonderful spirit and a very special dog. Even when he does something wrong (like peeing on the ficus tree in our living room or taking a hippo-sized poop on the carpet after protesting a vet visit) it’s hard to be mad at that face.

DeAnn and Tom

Page last updated on 23 May 2012