I apologize for taking so long to send you an update on Heath Bar, now Beauregard (nicknamed, "Bo"). He is doing very well and loves his new home. He is up to date on all of his shots and my family treats him as well as their children. : ) A few things about Bo: He is growing like a weed! He loves to hide his bones in anything he can and my mother always finds them days later. When my little brother is gone, Bo misses him and will carry his shirt or shoe around the house. He loves to play with everyone and enjoys being outside on his leash. On a side note, I was on speaker phone when my Aunt brought him home to my father. I was so happy, I cried when my father saw Bo. He was overjoyed and immediately held him to his chest. I am attaching a few photos. My mother sends me another photo of him almost everyday! I cannot tell you how happy you all have made my family with Bo... He is a life send. Thank you! The first picture is recent and of Bo Bo being his cute little self. The next one is recent also and is my father holding him. Isn't he huge? The last is when my father first saw him... You can see how much my father loves him.

Thank you for giving other people such happiness.
Monika Dunbar

Page last updated on 30 August 2011