Just wanted to send you a new
picture of Joey Ramone!! He is 2 1/2 now and a fantastic dog!!! We
love him so much and he is the best! So loving and very obedient;). He is
getting along great with his brother and sister kitties. Thank you again
for all the organization's hard work! Keep it up;-). Gerri and Jerry Langlois
4 October 2012
Just wanted to tell a little story about our new pup, Joey Ramone. We adopted him on the 4th of July weekend. My husband and I live in Stratford Ct, and we drove to Ohio to meet Jayne who had rescued Joey, his Mom Jukebox Roxie and his two brothers, Jerry Lee and Jukebox Hero. He is an amazing dog and very smart. Growing bigger everyday and we love him and he loves his new home. He will be graduating from a Family Manners class this Sat, and has done very well!! What a wonderful organization you have and God bless you all for rescuing these wonderful dogs!!!! Thank you, Gerri Langlois
1 October 2010