We wanted to let you all know how Louey, formerly one of the Beach Bums, is doing. He is awesome! He is a busy boy and we do not recommend adopting one of these dogs to anyone who can not have them with them at all times, but what great company they make. Louey has been through his 8 weeks of puppy training and 16 weeks of intermediate training and he learned well and fast. We love him very much and as you can see he is just beautiful. Every where we go we get stopped, "oh look at his face, how beautiful, what is it?" Word to the wise train them well and kennel them if you are going away somewhere. Louey does not do well when we are not with him! He lives to catch things and bring them to me and is not in his right mind if he is not working! He is mellow outdoors and insane indoors and we just love him. Keep up the good work. Thank you for letting us have Louey!

Linda Horvath, Judith LeBourveau and Mary Horvath

Page last updated on 24 February 2009