I told Sonny he could sleep on the bed after it was made. He said he didn't mind sleeping on the sheets. What a flexible dog.
On his first full day with us, he climbed into my husband's lap and we thought: "Isn't that sweet? He wants to sit in
his new dad's lap." Yeah, right. What he REALLY wanted, was the chair. In less than a week, it became known as
Sonny's chair.
Sonny and Ladybird (our 9-year-old Redbone) sunning on the back porch. She makes him work hard for her attention.
Except when it comes to food. This usually ladylike, courteous girl leaped in front of Sonny & successfully grabbed a treat in
mid-air that was being tossed to him. He never even growled.
For a couple of weeks, Ladybird thought Sonny got all the good bones. You can see her own bone behind her.
Same exact bone as Sonny's. Just not as good.
So elegant -- even when he's standing in the laundry room on a dirty towel. No one would
guess by looking at that face and that pose, that he actually is a PUPPY!!! At his introductory
vet appt., I was informed that he is closer to a year old. At best, a year-and-a-half. He pretty
much keeps that fact under wraps, except at home.
He's also a BRILLIANT athlete. This boy can moonwalk & hop backwards on his hind-legs,
a discovery that led him into new realms of counter-surfing. We call
it window-sill-surfing -- caught him on the way down to all fours with a bunch of green bananas
in his mouth. He's a good sport when we separate him from his treasures, absolutely confident
that he'll live to surf another day. So far, it looks like he's become willing to admire the things
that aren't his, from a respectful distance. We'll see.
Ladybird has been afraid of strangers, esp. men in hats and dark glasses, ever since we adopted her in
the Fall of 2007. On the walks and when people came to the house, she barked wildly and just
generally freaked out. Since Sonny has arrived, this behavior has begun to resolve, esp. on the walks.
He greets everyone with a smile and a goose. She hangs back, watches a bit and then inches up
to get some of the attention for herself.
Sonny's learned to Sit, but has not responded to 'Come.' He also could walk better on-leash.
He starts Beginning Obedience in 2 weeks.
Many thanks to Tine & John Kellogg for rescuing & fostering Sonny Boy and getting him to us so easily.
He is learning quickly, in spite of his native stubbornness (read that as 'houndly persistence'). We just
LOVE this rascally-rascal!! What a character he is behind that elegant facade.
Thanks for all you do.
Best regards,