Bruno is one year old! We've come a long way with our little man. It started as a skin rash. A suspected food allergy caused us to change to a limited ingredient diet. All was well until November. Bruno was so sick. The vet suspected that Bruno had swallowed a foreign object due to a large mass found during an xray. Once surgery was completed they found no object. Bruno's lymph nodes and intestines were so swollen he was not able to keep anything down or pass anything. He was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease due to a severe food allergy. L.I.D. was not enough. We have been on the Hills ZD Ultra ever since. No more bones, cow ears, peanut butter kong or the occasional dropped pretzel. But he's a trooper. Although he has not been able to regain the weight he lost while sick. He is hanging right around 76lbs. He is so loving and gentle. He would rather receive hugs and kisses then go for a walk. His brother, the cat has adapted well and the two can now coexist in the same room. In fact, Barnham has claimed Bruno's bed. Bruno doesn't mind, he prefers the couch anyway. This has been a wonderful experience for our family despite his health issues. We couldn't be happier with our 'chunk' & wouldn't trade him for the world. Thank you AB&TCR.

Nikki, Paul, Bruno & Barnham

8 February 2009

I'm doing very well with my new family. I get lots of things to chew on so I will leave the shoes alone. I sneak a sock or a flipflop every now and then though. I LOVE the water. I go swimming in the creek almost every day when we walk in the woods. I have seen lots of deer and want to chase them real bad. I can howl real good now. I only do that when I'm startled or someone knocks on the door. Oh, my big brother, Barnham (the kitty), is getting used to me finally. He let me lick his head yesterday. But, when I ask him to play with me he runs upstairs where I'm not allowed yet. My best buddy is Ralph. He is a 90 lb Bernese Mountain pup (yup, pup). He is very nice and we share treats. Oh, and I now weigh 62 lbs.

Thanks always!
Bruno, Nikki & Paul (& sometimes Barnham)

24 August 2008

Bruno is a little man now - 28 lbs at 4 months old!

22 May 2008

It's been a week and Bruno (Fluffer) is doing great. He already knows 6 tricks and is so eager to learn more. I'm amazed at how well he does in his new crate and with house training. After a week at the mountain house he is finally home to meet his older brother, Barnham (the cat). Hmmm... interesting! Will keep you updated on that one!

Thank you so much for all the help in finding our newest family member!
Nikki and Paul

18 April 2008