Thought it might be time for an update. Grace is doing great. Two and half years with us and she makes us laugh at something new almost every day. She's never been much of a ball player -- more of a ball hoarder -- since her arrival. Last night though she elevated her game -- moved right up into the rewarding field of fetch management. We were hanging out with a pair of all-about-the-ball yellow labs. Grace took up a position alongside the labs' owner and started baying instructions when she felt the ball needed to be thrown. Wouldn't chase the ball, just stood her ground, waited silently for the labs to do their retrieving thing, then hollered for the owner to throw again. This went on for what seemed like hours. Lab owners arm went limp eventually. Kind of embarrassing, but big fun nevertheless. Thanks again for bringing Grace into our lives.

Bob and Gina Shar

18 January 2010

Gracie graduated Beginners' Dog Training last night amid cheers and wild celebration. She's settled in nicely here. No longer acts starved for attention at home; no longer panics when vans, trucks and SUVs pass us on our walks; no longer has to be dragged and/or lifted trembling into our car. She just hops right in for her daily ride to the dog park, where she's become quite a fixture. A game of chase is just not the same in Winston-Salem without our little coonhound providing the authentic sound track. She's quiet in the house, though, (thank the lord!), still sweet, and we're loving her to death.

Thanks once more to American Black & Tan Coonhound Rescue for hooking us up with the delightful little beast.

Bob and Gina Shar

29 August 2007

Gracie has been charming her way into our hearts ever since arriving in Winston-Salem three weeks ago. She has great zip. Loves to run and play at the local dog park. At home, she prefers just about anything pilfered over any of her various dog toys, and she's been patient but persistent in her efforts to train us to share beds and couches. We start obedience training classes tomorrow evening.

Bob, Gina, Maggie and Daniel Shar

8 July 2007