"Otis" (formerly"Lancelot)"

Just wanted give you a quick update on Lancelot, now known as Otis. He is doing great now. He is now fully house trained and has full run of the house when someone is home and we have not had a problem. The kids are also in school now, so about 3 days a week he is left in the laundry room with the other 2 dogs from 8:15 to 2:45 and he has not made a mess. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I think we have this problem beat. He has also put all the needed weight on and now looks like a very healthy dog. We have now had him about 4 months and his personality has gone from being a shy, timid dog to being a confident, outgoing dog. He seems to be a very happy dog. He is wonderful to all people he has come across, from toddlers to seniors. He is just a sweet dog. Thanks for arranging for him to come to live with us. He has been a great addition to our family.

Thanks again,

21 September 2005


My husband David adopted Lance from you all last June to hang out with Lucy, our 13 year old family dog. I am not going to lie to you, I really thought he was nuts. In fact, I was ready to kill him for bringing this strange looking dog into our busy life.

You see, living in Minnesota, I had met a coon-hound. And, to be frank, Lance (OTIS we call him) was not a beauty! He was shy, skinny, not very well potty trained and when it opened its mouth to bark the strangest bellow would come out that it make you stop in your tracks!

I didn't want my husband to leave me home with him and I would call my husband at work and say what have you done? What do I do with this dog???? He would calm me down and finally Otis and I figured things out together.

I got to tell you, my husband was so patient and sweet with the dog and would clean up after him and take such good care of him and he (the dog) started to flourish....as he was "flourishing" he worked his way into my heart big time and now the two of us are huge buddies. I cannot go anywhere without him! The kids adore him and he is a wonderful addition to our family. I am so happy my husband got him and thank you for all you do to help animals like OTIS that can't speak for themselves. You are wonderful.

Just wanted to share with you our holiday picture with "OTIS" front and center ... he is a keeper don't you think????

Patty Peterson

Page last updated on 14 December 2005