I received a package in the mail today. It was the sweetest and most thoughtful gift anyone has ever sent me. I am pretty sure my mom and dad got choked up. You'll never guess who the gift was from...

Guinness ... my brother ... and his wonderful, amazing, sweet, generous mommy, Miss Carrie. They sent me a custom-made, super snuggle-y, gorgeous new coat. If I must say so myself, I think I look pretty darn handsome in it.

You see Guinness' mommy and my mommy got in touch years ago when Guinness and I left Kentucky and moved to PA and NYC, respectively. Recently they were back in touch and Guinness and his mom have been very concerned about my health and they have been so supportive as I go through my treatments. It's so nice to have such loving relatives nearby and I hope we can meet them someday very soon. Mommy promises to take me to see G when I finish up my chemo treatments in May.

Anyway, I wanted to say hello and share with you this really sweet gesture from Guinness and Miss Carrie. We truly are family. And I am so lucky to have them in my corner as I battle lymphoma. Paws crossed ... I've been in remission since October. Dr Rocha says I'm a champ. I can't say I disagree!

Your Friend,
Sonny Moe Petersen

PS: it can be so hard to find a good winter coat when you're a big guy like me. Please note that this fine, custom coat was sent to me (by Guinness) from Trendy Tails by Patsy (in Leechburg, PA ... check out their website). I love it! Thank you, Guinness and Miss Carrie. I love you.

13 February 2014

Sonny turned seven on June 13. He is still a big, goofy boy. He has now lived with his sister, Duff, for two years. She joined us in July 2011. She’s a puppy mill mommy (rescue) and she treats Sonny like he’s her puppy. Much to Sonny’s dismay, Duff grooms him often. She wants her “puppy” to look really clean at all times! They’re a cute pair. Sonny, although still very aloof and impatient, has helped her adjust to city life. In turn, she accompanies him on all of his vet visits (he won’t go to hers … he hates going to the vet!) and insists on standing guard while the nice folks at Dog Wash bathe him (he still hates water and howls the entire time).

We have recently started to notice a bunch of grey hair in Sonny’s beard but he still does a lot of silly puppy things as often as possible. Phew! We never want him to change or grow old. Never. He loves all of the same things … long walks to his favorite café, McDonalds, Feed Barn in New Milford, Pet Bar, hikes in CT, and his NYC neighborhood where he is known by all. He is a gem. We love him. Always. Thank you ABCTR.

PS: Sonny sends coonhound howls and licks to his siblings Guinness and Layla.

The Petersens

8 August 2013

It has been almost three years since Sonny came to live with us. We celebrated his third birthday, in June, with a trip to the Outer Banks, NC. He has grown up into a wonderful boy but he still looks like a puppy. He is still one of the most popular dogs in our neighborhood and was recently complimented by another dog owner as "the best looking dog on the block" (she said that her dog was too old to care!).

In late 2008, we adopted a feral kitten, Tucker (named after his birth town, Tucker, GA), and he has quickly become Sonny's "biggest" adversary (at merely 11 lbs ... Sonny weighs in at about 80+ lbs)! He smacks Sonny whenever he's close by, sleeps on Sonny's pillow/bed/chair (at the most inconvenient times) and lurks around Sonny at meal or treat time. It's really quite funny. We think that Tucker secretly idolizes Sonny. And of course, he is best friends with Giorgio, so the two of them team up on the poor coonhound when he is the most vulnerable ... during nap time!

Other than that ... Sonny leads a perfect life! He has been going to daycare once a week. He still gets a few days with his favorite friend/walker, Brie, and lots of time at the doggie park with mom and dad. We spent several, cold winter weekends in the CT countryside where Sonny sunned himself on the deck (on the one warm day we encountered) and squeezed onto a tiny bench, in the backyard, because the ground was too wet for him! He also took a trip up to one of our favorite, weekend getaways, Newport, RI, where he enjoyed his first bowl of clam chowder at the pier! Yes ... we know he's a dog ... but we can't help ourselves. People look at us like "why are you wasting that on him?" ... we don't really consider it a waste. He certainly enjoys food more than anyone we know so we love sharing it with him.

To recap ... Sonny is a joy. He is the perfect companion for Chuck because he loves to wrestle, hang out when the guys are over and chill on the couch watching tv. For me ... he is the perfect shopping companion (he always waits patiently in line and never complains about how long I'm taking) and he loves to sample my food. Giorgio and Tucker love him too but they believe in the "tough love" approach.
To sum it up -- SONNY ROCKS!

All the best,
The Petersens

26 July 2009

Here are some new photos of Sonny Moe. He is doing well and up to about 85 lbs. People keep telling us that his paws are still too big for his body and that he will probably go through another growth spurt. Frankly, I hope he’s all done because currently when he stands on two legs … he’s the same height as me! He has become quite the city dog with a schedule that consists of daily doggie daycare and doggie park time on the weekends. When he’s not doing either, he can be found at home either ripping through a rawhide, lounging in his favorite chair or tormenting his little brother, Giorgio (seen in the pictures here). Actually, Giorgio, now that he’s almost 10 lbs and can hold his own, harasses Sonny more often than Sonny annoys him! They are really amusing to watch.

We are very lucky to have Sonny. He is the absolute best!

Thank you,
Sana and Chuck (and Sonny Moe)

22 March 2008

Sonny Moe celebrated his first birthday on June 13, the day before our 4-year wedding anniversary, so we planned a joint celebration. His biggest, early "birthday present" was his little sister, Georgia May, who came to live with us over Memorial Day weekend. They are best friends already; she stands under him while he's eating so that she can catch any morsels that may drop (and there are many)!

For Sonny's birthday, we took him to Lake Placid, NY and he got to spend most of the day either hiking, standing in the water (he's still a little scared to go in too deep), or running around the Lake Placid Lodge (twice into the kitchen and dining room ... much to the amusement of the staff)! The staff had prepared a huge birthday platter for him so he enjoyed toys, balls, and treats galore. It was a lot of fun.

Sonny is a really great pup. We are lucky to have him.
Sana and Chuck (and Sonny Moe)

25 July 2007

It has been so cold up here. Sonny Moe was shivering this morning in spite of his jacket, so we got him a sweater! I must say ... he looks quite handsome in it! He rings a bell to let us know that he needs to go outside to take care of business (which is great) and he's now tall enough to jump on top of his crate (not so great)! We send him to doggie daycare five days a week because we just couldn't stand the thought of him being alone at home during the day. He has a few best friends there who he then meets up with at the park on the weekends. Sonny Moe is quite a social puppy and he is loved by all. We can't wait to do more fun things with him in 2007.

Thank you,
Sana and Chuck (and Sonny Moe)

8 February 2007

We took him to New Paltz, NY for the weekend. He had a blast in the woods and was exhausted at the end of the day. He has gained a total of 20 lbs since he arrived ... now at 46 lbs. I have never taken this many pictures of anyone or anything in my life. We are totally crazy in love with him! Thank you so much.


11 October 2006

Dear Coonhound Rescue:

Thank you for Sonny Moe (previously Lebron James of The Dream Team). He is absolutely perfect and adjusting well to life in New York City. Although he has only been part of our family since Monday (9/4) he has already convinced us to let him sleep in our bed at night! Our walks around the neighborhood have become a lot more interesting as Sonny leads us to all of the "yummy" scents that are emitted from piles of garbage, rotten street food, etc. He has won the hearts of our neighbors and even received hugs, kisses and treats from a gentleman at a coffee shop down the block from us. With Sonny in our lives, we know that everyday will be more exciting than the previous one and we are very happy for that. Thank you for matching us up with our perfect coonhound buddy.

Chuck and Sana

11 September 2006