Way back in March or April 2004, we adopted Jack, who was rescued from Tennessee with his mom, Daisy. Jack was about 6 months old. We met him at Reagan International Airport, where Daisy's adoptive mom (who lived in suburban DC) brought him. Jack flew to Maine with us. He was a very scared dog for a year or two. But, he turned into THE BEST family dog of all time, and my wife and I have had several dogs before in our lives. My wife even wrote a children's book, illustrated by Jamie Wyeth, about the death of our previous dog, Sam.

I want you to know that Jack passed away on Wednesday, at age 15 + 9 months and a few days. He loved us and we loved him. Our daughters, now 21 and 18, literally grew up with him, we moved several times and Jack was our Northern Star. We are sad, will miss him greatly but definitely would do it all again with Jack if we could. This photo is from 2004.

Eric Conrad
Winthrop, Maine

10 August 2019